Depression in Women
on September 26th, 2023
When I think about depression, the image that comes to mind is that of the Addams Family house in the cartoon series, where a dark cloud is constantly over their home – even though everywhere else around them is sunny and bright.When depression creeps up on you, you are aware of the bright day and the colours around you, only they seem to be covered by a grey filter that dims even the brightest li... Read More
15 ways you can calm nerves at work
on September 25th, 2023
Feeling nervous is a natural reaction to something that instills a little fear in us - perhaps a big presentation, a pitch opportunity, or a promotion meeting that you set up with your boss.That being said, feeling nervous can get in the way of performing at our best. It’s why we’re looking into the effects of nervousness in today’s Calmer guide, and the quick and easy ways to calm your mind and b... Read More